Windows Ctrl Key Shortcuts:

Ctrl + ASelect All
Ctrl + BBold The Text
Ctrl + CCopy
Ctrl + DBookmark The Page in the Browser
Ctrl + EDisplay Address Bar in Internet Explorer
Ctrl + FFind any File, Folder, or Text
Ctrl + GGo To Function (in Ms-Word or MS Excel)
Ctrl + HOpen History in Internet Browser
Ctrl + IMake Text Italics in MS Word, MS Excel & MS PowerPointPowerPoint
Ctrl + JOpen Downloads in Internet Browser
Ctrl + KInsert Hyperlinks in MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
Ctrl + LText Justification in MS Word
Ctrl + MMake New Slides in MS PowerPoint
Ctrl + NOpen the New Application Window in Internet Browser
Ctrl + OOpen a File
Ctrl + PPrint a Document or Picture
Ctrl + QClose Microsoft Powerpoint
Ctrl + RReload The Page in the Internet Browser
Ctrl + SSave Any Document
Ctrl + TOpen a New Tab in the Internet Browser
Ctrl + UUnderline The Text
Ctrl + VPaste
Ctrl + WClose a Program, Window, tab or Document
Ctrl + XCut Any Text, Image, Video
Ctrl + YRedo the command
Ctrl + ZUndo the command

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